Depending on the products, services or functionalities that you want to enjoy at all times, we will need to process some data or others. In general, said data will be, depending on the case, the following:
Remember that when we ask you to fill in your personal data to give you access to any functionality or service on the web, we will mark some fields as mandatory, since they are data that we need to be able to provide you with the service or give you access to the functionality in question.
Please note that if you decide not to provide us with this data, you may not be able to complete your registration as a user or you may not be able to enjoy those services or functionalities.
Depending on how you interact with our website, we will process your personal data for the following purposes:
We only process personal data that is strictly necessary to manage or resolve your request or request.
If you access our Platform, we inform you that we will treat your browsing data for analytical and statistical purposes, that is, to understand the way in which users interact with our Platform and thus be able to introduce improvements in it. Likewise, on occasions, we carry out quality actions and surveys aimed at finding out the degree of satisfaction of our customers and users and detecting those areas in which we can improve.
The legal basis that allows us to process your personal data also depends on the purpose for which we process it, in this way we will find different legal bases by virtue of the following purposes:
The legal basis for the treatment of your data is the informed consent to respond to the queries raised through the website, which implies the acceptance of these conditions by the interested party.
User consent for the implantation of cookies.
Information request.
We will treat your data for as long as it is necessary to attend to your request or request and subsequently 1 year.
To fulfill the purposes indicated in this Privacy Policy, it is necessary that we give access to your personal data to third parties that provide us with support in the services that we offer and that we detail below:
We promise to respect the confidentiality of your personal data and guarantee the exercise of your rights.
You can exercise them at no cost by sending us an email to our COMPANY address, simply indicating the reason for your request and the right you want to exercise.
In the event that we consider it necessary to be able to identify you, we may request a copy of a document proving your identity. In particular, regardless of the purpose or legal basis for which we process your data, you have the right to:
Ask us for access to your data that we have.
Ask us to rectify the data we already have. Keep in mind that, by actively providing us with your personal data by any means, you guarantee that they are true and exact and you agree to notify us of any changes or modifications to them.
Ask us to delete your data to the extent that they are no longer necessary for the purpose for which we need to process them as we have previously informed you, or that we no longer have the legitimacy to do so.
Ask us to limit the processing of your data, which means that in certain cases you can ask us to temporarily suspend the processing of the data or to keep it beyond the necessary time when you may need it. If you have provided us with your consent for the processing of your data for any purpose, you also have the right to withdraw it at any time.
On the other hand, when the processing of your data is based on our legitimate interest, you will also have the right to oppose the processing of your data.
Finally, we inform you of your right to file a claim with the relevant data protection control authority, in particular, with the Spanish Data Protection Agency.
We may modify the information contained in this Privacy Policy when we deem it appropriate. In the event that we do so, we will notify you in different ways through the Platform, or we will even communicate it to your email address when the change in question is significant for your privacy, so that you can review the changes, evaluate them and, where appropriate, oppose or unsubscribe from any service or functionality.
We use cookies and similar devices to facilitate your browsing on the Platform, to learn how you interact with us and, in certain cases, to be able to show you advertising based on your browsing habits. Please read our Cookies policy to learn more about the cookies and similar devices we use, their purpose and other information of interest.